There is something
rather than nothing
This "something" exhibits orderliness
The exhibited orderliness takes the form of
a perspective upon a world
I'm referring to this "something"
as conscious experience.
The exhibited orderliness encompasses both
the idea of a self in the world
and also the idea of a world that the
self is in (we could refer to these two ideas as the subjective
pole of conscious experience and the objective pole of conscious
experience respectively).
Since these two ideas are stable, this something (i.e. conscious experience)
must be of a form that admits of this stability.
It's my conscious experience not in the sense of ownership, but rather in the sense that
it has the form of a view upon a world from
the perspective of an entity (the unique physical organism that
refers to itself as "me") embedded
within that world.
It is clear that the idea of my conscious
experience is not the same as the idea of the world that the self is in -- the former might well be
described as "what it is like to be" the self that is in the world.
see this paper defending interactive dualism: