mind n. & v. - n. 1 a the seat of consciousness, thought, volition, and feeling. b attention, concentration (my mind keeps wandering). 2 the intellect; intellectual powers. 3 remembrance, memory (it went out of my mind; I can’t call it to mind). 4 one’s opinion (we’re of the same mind). 5 a way of thinking or feeling (shocking to the Victorian mind). 6 the focus of one’s thoughts or desires (put one’s mind to it). 7 the state of normal mental functioning (to lose one’s mind; in one’s right mind). 8 a person as embodying mental faculties (a great mind).
(Concise Oxford Dictionary 1992.)
When I use the word “mind” I will be using
it in a manner that is covered by none of the above dictionary definitions in
any strict sense, though some of those uses do hint at it. My use of the word
“mind” will be synonymous with my use of the phrase “field of experience” as
described above.
Language is a mode of behaviour that
serves in permitting people to influence (and to be influenced by) the
behaviour of other people, principally between two or more people residing
within the same linguistic community since language use is communally
inculcated. It has been argued that language can pertain only to the
constituents of the objective world and can gain no purchase upon the
constituents of the subjective world (this is an interpretation of
Wittgenstein’s argument against the possibility of a “private language”). But
it is often the case that a specific subjective experience is consistently
associated with a corresponding objective experience to the extent that certain
modes of behaviour exhibited by another person (other people being objective
constituents of the field of experience) are accepted as evidence by
association of the corresponding subjective constituents. So when
another person exhibits e.g. pain behaviour (as an objective
experience), pain (as a subjective experience) is commonly imputed to
them. In this manner words like “pain” acquire a kind of double-meaning, permitting
subjective experiences to be spoken of (albeit with a certain ambiguity). This
propensity to impute subjective experiences to other people is instinctive in
humans, and we call this propensity empathy.
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